Abuja was gripped with shock on Sunday morning following the gruesome discovery of a human head in a bag near a church. The suspect, a young man believed to be involved in internet fraud, reportedly confessed to the murder of his girlfriend.
The incident has ignited concerns about the alarming rise of ritual killings in the Federal Capital Territory. Pursuing quick wealth through “money rituals” is the alleged motive driving these heinous crimes.
Social media erupted with condemnation, with many urging young people to shun the allure of easy money and embrace legitimate paths to success.
@AndyjnrUmaru, a user on the social media platform X who first shared the story said
The Yahoo boy was caught with a human head (his girlfriend) being prepared for rituals, inside a nylon close to a church as service was going on…
The guy said the remaining body of the girl is still in his house.
The Abuja Twitter Community is still grappling with the horrifying reality of this crime as they urge authorities to bring the perpetrator to justice.
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